Technological watch
Composites Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Common Technological watch – SEPTEMBRer 15th, 2017
Economy, market and composites industry
- Growth potential for pultruded composites
- PADT, Stratasys additive manufacturing lab focuses on composite tooling
- AMRC Helps Bentley Reduce Weight & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Composites
Strcutural and functionnal composites
- Effects of waviness on fiber-length distribution and interfacial shear strength of natural fibers reinforced composites
- Transverse permeability of dry fiber preforms manufactured by automated fiber placement
- An automotive seat back using recycled carbon fiber
- Fatigue behavior of pure polypropylene and recycled polypropylene reinforced with short glass fiber
- [Thèse] Étude et développement d’une interface fibre-matrice spécifique dans les composites à matrice thermoplastique renforcés en fibres de verre continues by Sarra Limaiem
- [Thèse] Ramachandran, Laavanya. Comportement électrique large bande des composites polymère – fils submicroniques d’or : corrélation avec la structure et les propriétés mécaniques
- [Brevet] Method for Treating Reinforcing Fibre and Method for Producing A Reinforced Composite Article from the Treated Fibre
- Irreversible tunability of through-thickness electrical conductivity of polyaniline-based CFRP by de-doping
- Hexcel launches new products
- Low cost carbon fiber
- Covestro to Develop Cellulose Fiber-reinforced PUR for Stable Timber Construction
- Ballistic impact response of carbon/epoxy tubes with variable nanosilica content
- Hexcel to present on new materials in Stuttgart
- Influence of fibre reinforcement on selected mechanical properties of dental composites.
- DSM developing materials solution for high-pressure composite tanks for hydrogen storage
- [Thèse] Durability and thermo-oxidation behaviour of organic matrix composite materials at high temperatures
- New discontinuous fiber prepreg from Airtech
Composites design and development
- Principles of the Manufacturing Of Composite Materials, Second Edition
- AnalySwift software used for composite rotor blade simulation
- [Brevet] A process for manufacturing a fiber reinforced composite article, the composite article obtained and the use thereof
- Adhesive composite reinforcements from Chomarat
- Injection Molding: How Repeatable is Repeatability? : Plastics Technology
- A Particle Element Approach for Modelling the 3D Printing Process of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
- Spirit AeroSystems develops RTM technology
- A rapid and zero waste automated production process for carbon composite material
- Theory and validation of the master ply concept for invariant-based stiffness of composites
- [Thèse] Éléments finis spéciaux pour l’analyse linéaire et non-linéaire géométrique des structures composites à renforts fibreux
- Investigation on the effect of drilling parameters on the tool wear and delamination of glass fibre-reinforced polymer composite using vibration signal analysis
- Eliminating porosity via reformulation of a benzoxazine–epoxy resin transfer molding resin
- [Thèse] Caractérisation de matériaux composites par problème inverse vibratoire
- Faro présente ses solutions de mesure et de positionnement
- Fatigue and failure mechanism in carbon fiber reinforced plastics/aluminum alloy single lap joint produced by electromagnetic riveting technique
Circular economy and composites
- EDPR to recycle its wind turbine blades
- Thermoplastic Composites 2017 to Explore Current Role and How to Engage…
- Webinar: Trends in composites manufacturing
- Allizé Day explore le futur de la plasturgie
- CAMX 2017 Postponed
- Program announced for composites in construction show
- Feedback on Composites from the Global Automotive Lightweighting Materials Conference
- Les composites : vecteurs d’innovation pour l’Industrie du Futur ?